
<== Site Review (2018-01-14) ==>

Imagine Learning

Imagine Learning, a division of Weld North, is a Provo based company that creates a digital platform to enhance learning. The company began by creating software to help teach English. The video talks about a math program:

Imagine Math Facts Data from Imagine Learning on Vimeo.

Corporate History

This section lists corporate references that I come across.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameImagine Learning
Review History2018-01-14
Category Provo Utah: Schools
Page Views3105
NextHealthy Kiddos

DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.

The store of the day is BistroMD