
Provo Utah Stocks

Publically traded companies file detailed reports about their operations. So, one of the best ways to learn about a community is to follow stocks of businesses operating in the area. This page lists stocks of interest to the Provo Utah community.

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Stocks of Interest to Provo Utah
EIGIEndurance International Group HoldingsBurlington, MaEndurance International Group purchased Bluehost in 2010 and continues to maintain a primary data center in Utah County.
EMCEMC CorporationHopkinton, MaEMC owns Mozy (which offers online back up solutions) and iomega (a manufacturer of computer storage products.)
FCFranklin CoveyWest Valley City, UtCofounded by Stephen Covey, Franklin Covey produces time management and montivational products.
NATRNature's SunshineLehi, UtHeadquartered in Lehi, Nature's Sunshine creates nutritional supplements.
NOVLNovellWaltham, MaFounded in Provo in 1983, Novell was a primary player in the development of Networking and OS technology. The company located its headquarters to Ma, and continues to be a major employer in Utah Valley.
NUSNu Skin Enterprises, Inc.Provo, UtNu Skin develops skin care and anti-aging products.
PFIEProfire EnergyLindon, UtProfire Industries of Lindon develops combustion management technologies for the oil and gas industry.
PUBPeople's Utah BancporpAmerican Fork, UtPeople's Utah Bancorp is a financial firm headquartered in American Fork.
VSLRVivint SolarLehi, UtVivint Solar is a Lehi based company selling solar panels in the Mountain West.