
This report shows the hit history for category Provo Utah Extended Stay. The hit counter for this directory shows 3160. The full tree contains 264 categories and has had 2451872 Hits. This directory has had 0.129% of the total. View all categories.

Category Information
CommunityProvo Utah
CategoryExtended Stay
Category Hits3160
Active Links3
Page Views per Link1,053.3
Deleted Links0
I periodically buffer the total count. The following table shows the buffering timestamp, hits between buffers and the average per day. This last figure is the most significant as it shows the number of times a category gets viewed per day.
TimestampTotalHitsPer Day
2016-08-01 00:3114230181.072
2016-07-01 00:11104381.225
2016-06-01 09:4985190.642
2016-05-01 16:5962230.749
2016-03-31 08:2027351.116