
<== Site Review (2011-10-23) ==>

Legacy Woodworking

Legacy Woodworking Machinery creates equipment for turning wood. Their featured product is the Legacy Ornamental Mill. Such equipment would be used in furniture making and high end construction projects such as creating banisters and other ornamentation.

Wood turning is one of those exciting areas where the practical meets the artistic.

I imagine that the primary market for such equipment is in the furniture and construction industries; however, I chose to list the site among the craft sites as wood turning is a time honored craft.

The web site is an interesting affair that has information on the equipment and a gallery of products created with the mills.

The site goes one step further by listing artisans who work with the equipment. I think it is a nice touch for the manufacturer to be promote the people who use their product.

Their online university shows videos on mastering woodworking. Below is an introduction:

Link Detailshelp
Site NameLegacy Ornamental Mill
Review History2011-10-23
Category Provo Utah: Crafts
Page Views8768
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