
<== Site Review (2010-06-06) ==>

Challenging Leadership Adventure Systems, Inc.

The biggest problem with the business world today is that most companies don't offer recess. Look at elementary school! Grade school was a blast. You would spend most of the day doing that tedious stuff teachers like. But the schools would break up the tedium with a generous dose of recess. Recess, after all, is where all of the important stuff happens.

The business world has tedium part down well, but they completely fail their workers by not providing quality recess time.

CLAS Ropes is group with facilities near the Provo River that offers a variety of activities to help build communication skills. In other words, it is a big playground designed for adults. The playground has canoes and an interesting rope course. You can justify going to the playground by saying that it is a team building exercise.

OUTLOOK - March 2010 Ropes Course from Thomas Doxey on Vimeo.

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Site NameCLAS Ropes
Review History2010-06-06
Category Provo Utah: Schools
Page Views5966
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