Utah Valley is home to numerous health and community foundations. Foundations often provide benefits for specific concerns or remember people from the area. They regularly run fund raising events and provide important community services.
One Heart Foundation (www.oneheart.org) The One Heart Contributors bring together individuals and organizations, expert in a range of family-related fields. Part of the Osmond network of web sites.
B.W. Bastian Foundation (www.bastianfoundation.org) A charitable foundation striving to build community by supporting local and national institutions.
SA Lifeline Foundation (salifeline.org) - review Delivering a message of hope that recovery from pornography addiction is possible.
Ryan's Lions (www.ryanslion.com) - review Ryan had a tough babyhood. He received a stuffed lion to give hope to others in intensive care. The Ryan's Lion Foundation raises funds and gives courage to people in times of need.
Friends of Giant Steps (www.friendsofgiantsteps.org) Friends of Giant Steps supports local Giant Steps programs which help children with autism.