
<== Site Review (2011-02-06) ==>

Provo Utah mobile

I recently gained access to a smart phone with web browsing capabilities.

Playing with the phone, I soon became dismayed with how poorly local web sites show up on mobile devices.

I believe that the proliferation of smart phones, internet hotspots and unlimited mobile data plans will open up a great opportunity for small businesses.

The whole point of a smartphone is that people have the smartphones there, in their hands, as they explore an area.

Right now this extremely lucrative market is being dominated by multi-national corporations investing in expensived multi-national navigational tools.

Rather than letting smart phones become a tool of big business to steal local business, I would love to see local businesses add mobile capability to their web sites.

For this reason, I've started focusing on the mobile version of this site.

I believe that the best way for a web site to go mobile is to develop a mobi site as a subdomain of the primary site. The mobile site contains a summarized version of the primary site.

So, I am developing the subdomain m.ProvoUtah.US as a mobile site. My goal is to include links to other mobi optimized sites Utah County.

It's really hard to find these sites. Even if you already have a listing in ProvoUtah.US, I would appreciate your adding links to mobi optimized pages. I appreciate those who pay the listing fee, but I don't bite those who don't.

BTW, if you tweeted the line Hey @CommunityColor, you should add _____ to http://m.ProvoUtah.US and ____ was a local site, I probably would do it.

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Site NameProvo Utah mobile
Review History2011-02-06
Category Provo Utah: Directories
Page Views3822
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DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.