
<== Site Review (2008-02-16) ==>

Covey Center for the Arts

The Covey Center for the Arts is a new cultural center named for Sandra M. Covey (née Sandra Merrill) who has a long standing passion for the arts.

Ms. Merrill was touring Great Britain with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir when she met her future husband Steven R. Covey (author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and cofoundeder of Franklin Covey).

The center includes a 670 seat performance art center, an art gallery, boardrooms, and the full get up needed for both theatrical and TV production.

The center aims to be a hub for cultural and arts events in Utah Valley.

NOTE: If you are hosting an event at the center, feel free to add a link to your event on the ProvoUtah.US calendar for free publiciity.

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Site NameCovey Center for the Arts
Review History2008-02-16
Category Provo Utah: Arts
Page Views5464
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