
<== Site Review (2008-05-17) ==>

Running With Angels

The sales blurb for Running With Angels (buy at Amazon) says you can't put it down.

Ha, they're lying. This is a book that will want to put down, then go out and run it off. Unless, of course, you can figure out a way to run and read at the same time.

The book Running With Angels tells the story of overcoming tragedy and obesity. The story has spawned an annual 5K run. The 2006 run will we be at Thanksgiving Point on June 24, 2006. The event benefits Medical Services at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. The run will have fun things like free t-shirts and pedometers.

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Site NameRunning With Angels
Review History2008-05-17
Category Provo Utah: Running
Page Views4183
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