
<== Site Review (2020-04-01) ==>

Tannus America Tires

Tannus America is a US distributor of Tannus Airless Bike Tires and the Armour Tire Insert by Tannus. It appears that Tannus is based in South Korea. Tannus America is registered in American Fork, Ut.

Tannus's products are designed to prevent flat tires.

There is an invasive weed in Utah called a Goatshead. Goatsheads love to grow across bike paths. They have seeds with super sharp thick thorns pop regular tires. They are so prevalent that it is foolish to ride in the state without an insert to protect the tire.

It is really easy to pull Goatsheads. I wish property owners would clear this weed from their lots. I've found that the best time time to pull the weeds is in late June or even early July.

The video below is a person who has used the product for a year. The reviewer is pleased with the product. I put Tannus in my Wish List.

I put the product in my Wish List. The reviews indicated that the tires are a bit difficult to mount on rims. If I buy the tires, I might do so at a local bike shop and let the professionals do the difficult work.

Advertisment: Tannus products are available on

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Site NameTannus America Tires
Review History2020-04-01
Category Provo Utah: Bike Shops
Page Views7576
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