
<== Site Review (2019-12-06) ==>


Cricut is a technology company that creates automated die-cutters along with software and vector images to create designs. Cricut (pronounced Cricket) was developed by Provo Craft from Provo, Utah. Here is a video of the machine.

The machine is popular for use in scrapbooking, craft products, product design and art projects. The video shows a machine in action. They have an affiliate program with Share-A-Sale. This is one of the few pages on this site where I might earn revenue.

Corporate History

Cricut was developed by Provo Craft which owned a network of 11 general craft stores called Roberts Arts and Crafts. Robert's Crafts was created in 1963 by Robert Workman. It was a central feature in the Utah crafts scene.

Sorenson Capital began investing in the firm in 2005. Realizing that direct retail would struggle in the ecommerce age, the Provo Craft focused on technology and Internet sales.

ProvoCraft released Cricut in 2006. Sorenson sold its holdings to BAML Capital Partners. BAML closed the Robert's Craft stores to concentrate on the technology. BAML has since changed its name Ridgemont Equity Partners.

Ridgeemont has had 140 investments. They do not list Provo Craft as an "active investment." So, perhaps it is independent again. Hooray! The current headquarters are in South Jordan.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameCricut
Review History2018-02-01
Category Provo Utah: Scrapbooking
Page Views16810
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