
<== Site Review (2018-02-11) ==>


Back in the 1970s I got a nice leather belt that lasted until the 2000s. The belt and the width of all of my pants started mysteriously shrinking and it stopped fitting.

I have gone through a dozen replacement belts since then. The belts look durable in the store but they are of a cheesy material that explodes after a few months. It is called planned obsolescence.

Anyway, Michael Larsen of Provo is venturing into the world of outdoor wear. His first project is a belt with a 25 year life span.

Anyway, his site is called Charted and he is running a Kickstarter Campaign that ends on 2018-02-28 for his belt. I don't know if it is any good. The widget below has the details:

See Utah Color for more kickstarter campaigns from the Beehive State.

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Site NameCharted
Review History2018-02-11
Category Provo Utah: Apparel
Page Views3169
PreviousReady Project, The
NextProvo Center Tremple

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NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.

The store of the day is Green Batteries