
<== Site Review (2017-10-13) ==>

UFO Tops

UFO Tops is a project by Plexity Labs of Provo. The spinning tops are designed to look like the crafts reported in historical UFO Sightings.

The widget below shows the company's 2017 Kickstarter Campaign (ending 2017-11-03). While watching the video I am not convinced that the inventors are human. I am thinking that the toys are, in fact, real UFOs and this kickstarter campaign is nothing more than an evil alien plot to distribute UFOs around the country so that the aliens can probe us.

Watch the video. I'll let you be the judge.

See Utah Color for more kickstarter campaigns from the Beehive State.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameUFO Tops
Review History2017-10-13
Category Provo Utah: Toys / Hobbies
Page Views2812
PreviousEscapes in Time

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NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.