
<== Site Review (2017-08-07) ==>

JOJO's Chocolate

JOJO's Chocolate creates dark chocolate bark which is high in protein and low in sugar.

The chocolate bark was designed by a cancer survivor who had sugar cravings during her treatment. JoJo's goal was to create for herself a treat that was high in antioxidants, high in fiber and low in sugar as blood sugar tends to feed cancer cells.

After treatment, JoJo began mixing up and selling batches of bark and has recently expanded operations to a professional kitchen.

Advertisement: You can find JoJo Chocolates on Amazon. NOTE, I might receive commissions from the previous link which I would use to help pay my web hosting fees.

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Site NameJOJO's Chocolate
Review History2017-08-07
Category Provo Utah: Cookies & Candy
Page Views6268
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