
<== Site Review (2017-04-02) ==>

Wild Utah Edibles

Wild Utah Edibles is a site by Mike Wood about edible wild plants in Utah. The project started as an exploration about what natives and early pioneers ate and soon turned into a passion.

Personally I love learning about native plants. Discovering edible plants is part of the fun (This is my Plant Photo Gallery.) A huge number of plants are toxic including many wild berries, most wild mushrooms and things that look like onions. A person foraging on native plants needs to find only one toxic plant to end a career.

IMHO, one should spend some time learning to identify plants before tasting any.

The video is a report by KSL on edible plants.

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Site NameWild Utah Edibles
Review History2017-04-02
Category Provo Utah: Garden
Page Views3183
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