<== Site Review (2015-11-08) ==>
Vivint Solar
Solar technology is evolving rapidly.
Back in the 1990s, it took more energy to produce a solar cell than the cell would produce in their life time. As such, solar was only good for off grid applications. In the old days solar was not an environmentally sound product.
Today the technology has advanced to a point in which solar energy is not only environmentally sound, it also makes financial sense. Solar technology is reaching the point where they save consumers more money than the cost of buying and installing the panels.
Vivint Solar of Lehi is one of the companies jumping on the solar train. A creation of parent company Vivint Home Automation, Vivint Solar has a product in which they install solar panels on houses for free then sells the energy back to the homeowner at a rate lower than current utility rates.
Vivint Solar held an IPO in 2014 and trades on the NYSE with the symbol VSLR. The video explanins the vision.