
<== Site Review (2012-06-03) ==>

Grover Rocket Stove

The pioneers burned wood for heating and cooking and quickly cleaned Utah valley of good combustable biomass.

Today we are addicted to fossil fuels and cook using gas or electricity. We spend a great deal of money hauling away small branches.

We can reduce our dependency on fossil fuels by cooking with wood. A company called StoveTec out of Eugene developed a new style of wood burning stoves designed to efficiently burn small branches and twigs for cooking.

Stock Storage of Springville improved upon the design and created the Grover Rocket Stove which is ideal for camping (or whenever you want to cook with wood on the porch.)

The site includes videos about the use of stoves along with a slate of survival gear. You can also find the stoves online at (More links on wood stoves.)

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Site NameGrover Rocket Stove
Review History2012-06-03
Category Provo Utah: Food Storage
Page Views4110
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