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<== Site Review (2008-06-09) ==>

Provo Linux User Group

Here's a quick plug for PLUG.

PLUG is the Provo Linux Group.

Linux is a popular open source operating system that competes with the giant from Redmond, Wa.. The OS is extremely popular in the internet crowd. Linux competes well with Microsoft in the server arena.

There is a fairly large number of Provo businesses that provide software and services for Linux.

The one downside to Linux is that Linux is a little bit more difficult to master than Windows.

The best way to learn Linux is to join a Linux User Group. The user group will get you in contact with professionals using the platform. They can help you stay abreast the technology and avoid common pit falls.

Link Detailshelp
Site NamePLUG - Provo Linux Users Group
Review History2008-06-09
Category Provo Utah: Computer
Page Views5032
PreviousTimpanogos Cave National Monument

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